The Lady Speaks

Pat Robertson Mouths Off Again

Oh dear sweet Brunhilda!

Will someone PLEASE take Marion “Pat” Robertson to a nice, semi-clean, retirement home already! Just when you think he can’t do anything worse than calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez – democratically-elected President of Venezuala – he goes even farther off the deep end, and says this:

Associated Press:

He remarked that the outpouring of rage elicited by cartoons “just shows the kind of people we’re dealing with. These people are crazed fanatics, and I want to say it now: I believe it’s motivated by demonic power. It is satanic, and it’s time we recognize what we’re dealing with.”

Holy Hannah Maria, people! You think we haven’t seen enough violence? You think the folks who protested and rioted and burned embassies won’t be just a little pissed off to have their religion compared to devil-worship?!

The worst thing though?

That noise…

*crickets chirping*

Yeah, that one. That’s the sound of evangelical and mainstream and liberal Christian churches failing to condemn Marion’s latest spewing of hatred and intolerance.

Get him off the air, ban him from the pulpit, and pack him off to some little home for senile, bigoted, hateful preachers. Oh, and make sure you get his signature on a form-letter will giving all his assets to support the ministry he so proudly built from millions of senior citizens’ savings and pensions.

March 14, 2006 Posted by | Religion | 1 Comment

WH Lie Fest- er, Briefing

Scott McClellan, the Minister of Propaganda White House spokesman said this:

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I think that the enemy clearly are the terrorists and the Saddam loyalists who want to derail the transition to democracy and freedom. That’s what they’re trying to do, by creating sectarian violence.

That’s why you saw the attack on the Golden Mosque. It was aimed at creating sectarian violence. But the Iraqi people are responding with restraint and calm. There are still some that are engaging in sectarian violence. And those who are doing that, to a large extent, are ones that want to derail that transition to democracy. But the Iraqi people have shown the courage to stand up and defy the terrorists and defy those who want to return to the past. And it’s important that we continue to stand with them and help them as they move forward.

And this:

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think that our view is that we need to continue focusing our efforts where they should be, which is on helping the people of the Gulf Coast recover and rebuild their communities. That’s what the President is doing. That’s why he visited the region just last week, and that’s where we’re going to keep our focus. We’re going to continue working to make sure the federal government is doing everything we can to support the people along the Gulf Coast as they rebuild their lives and rebuild their communities.

And this:

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, the terrorist surveillance program is a program that has helped us to prevent attacks and save lives. It is vital to our nation’s security. And it would be interesting to see how many Democrats actually agree with the view of Senator Feingold. Do Democrats support Senator Feingold’s view, or do they support this vital program? The American people have made it very clear they support the President’s efforts to defeat the terrorists and prevent attacks from happening.

The President has made it very clear he’s not going to wait to be hit again. We are going to continue going after the terrorists wherever they are. And if you’re talking to al Qaeda, or al Qaeda affiliated terrorists, we want to know. And it’s important to keep in mind during a time of war that enemy surveillance is critical in those efforts. So what we ought to be doing is working together to defeat the terrorists, not engaging in partisan politics. So the question becomes, where do other Democrats stand? Do they agree with him in his view? I know Congressman Conyers has expressed a view about impeachment or something along those lines. Is this the view of the Democratic Party?

The enemy is the terrorists and al Qaeda members, not the President. And we ought to be focusing our efforts on going after the enemy and doing everything we can to prevent attacks from happening. And that’s what this President has done and will continue to do.

(1) Umm…the Iraqi people are responding with restraint and calm? Have you bothered checking the headlines? Here’s restraint and calm for you:

Associated Press: Police found at least 72 bodies in Baghdad in the past 24 hours, including 15 men bound and shot in an abandoned minibus, in a gruesome wave of apparent sectarian reprisal attacks, officials said Tuesday. The timing of the killings appeared related to the car bomb and mortar attacks in the Shiite slum of Sadr City in east Baghdad on Sunday in which 58 people died and more than 200 were wounded.

But it’s not a civil war is it? Nahhh, just some sectarian violence.

(2) Helping the people of New Orleans? Heckova job you’re doing on that too….

Here’s an excerpt from an email newsletter I received. The author is Chris Chandler from New Orleans.

The moment I arrived, we crossed the bridge into the 9th ward, something I could not have done a week earlier without proper credentials. It is six months since the hurricane and you can now go into most of the ninth ward, St Bernard Parrish and New Orleans East. I went over with my friend Andrea, who runs the gallery and is one of the many unsung heroines in this debacle. We went to take pictures – the exact same pictures – she had taken 6 months earlier. Little has changed but the water level.


Judge Perez Road winds past miles of destruction and standing in the middle of it is The Emergency Kitchen inspired by the Rainbow Family. There are no restaurants, no grocery stores, very little infrastructure, and until last week, no banks. Also, last week a Home Depot opened. The home Depot is also in a giant circus tent.

Fifteen-hundred meals a day are served from the Emergency Kitchen. They have showers and laundry. They have a “Free Store” from which Relief donations are distributed. There are “store managers” who sort and size truckloads of donations while living in tents and tee-pees There is a yoga tent and even a sewing room and an Internet cafe. There is nightly entertainment on a stage (musicians climbing over each other to get scheduled.) Hell, they have Movie Nights with a projection screen. There are pool tables in the doom. You should see the dread locked pechuli wearers rackin balls with the Dixie Sugar gimmie cap old spice wearers. Dr D and I were scheduled to perform there and while standing in the back of the food line, the doctor hears a child tell her father, “Daddy, the line is real long today, do you think they will have food for every one?” Needless to say, appetites were lost.

But, the cross cultural phenomenon is impressive and works in both directions. I am sure Chalmette residents will no longer cross the street when they see a face piercing, and it did not take long for the hippies to figure out they were going to have to learn to cook meat. And not unlike FEMA, the hippies should have figured out that Ash Wednesday is not the best day to serve pork.

FEMA’s just another word for nothing left to lose.

You can read the newletter in full at Chris’ website, and I urge you to do so. Please take the time to check out his and Dr. D’s (David Roe) great music and videos as well.

(3) Okay, Scottie. Clearly, you and everyone in the WH is living in a parallel universe because, last time I checked (this morning) the President had a 36% approval rating with only 41% of the American people supporting the President’s efforts to prevent terrorist attacks. (Interestingly, more Americans believe in UFO abductions than trust the President.)

Why don’t you and the President try going somewhere that doesn’t have a pre-screened audience of loyal supporters. Oh wait! I forgot.

You can’t, because then you might actually find out the truth.

March 14, 2006 Posted by | Bush, Civil War, FEMA, Homeland Security, Hurricane Katrina, Intelligence, NSA, Politics, War | Leave a comment

Wimpy Democrats

Does anyone else feel a Howard Beale moment coming on?

‘I want you to go to the window, open it, stick your head out and yell: ”I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore.”’ (Network)

It’s bad enough that the Republicans repeat the lies and nonsense that comes from the White House, but – Honest to Murgatroyd – it’s worse watching the majority of the Democrats repeating them too. They’re acting like a bunch of whipped dogs, wagging their little tails and hoping that this time they’ll only be beaten with the newspaper and not the stick with nails.

Any legislation posed by the Republicans is going to pass, so why do so many of the Dems keep turning on their own members and wagging their little tails at the likes of Frist and DeLay? Is that bipartisanship – ignoring the wants and needs of your constituents so you can hang with the popular crowd?

Do they like being perceived as a bunch of scared puppies? Do they enjoy being ridiculed and dismissed by the American people – both inside and outside the party? Ridiculed to the point, that with few notable exceptions, the grassroots is actively working to replace ALL incumbents, including – gasp! – them?

Do the Democrats not realize this is an election year? Have they forgotten that there is nothing left to protect? Do they just not realize that Bush is not just a lame duck, but a lame duck with a 36% approval rating?

Dear sweet Pete! 64% of the American people think Bush is doing a rotten job! And do they capitalize on that? Of course not! Where’s the anger?

Feingold introduces a measure to censure President Bush – a pretty reasonable action considering the President did indeed admit to breaking the law multiple times and lying to the American people, multiple times.

And what kind of support does Feingold get? Well, this says it all: Frist wants to rush a vote because he has 85 votes against censure. *choke, gasp* How many g-damn Republicans are there again??? 52? So, Frist has 33 turncoat Dems willing to vote against this measure?

Aaaarrrggghhhh! *screaming and waving my arms about*


So here’s what we do. It’s not much, but it’s cheap and will – literally – send a message.
Go out and buy a bunch of plain white postcards – though ones with chickens are acceptable. After the censure vote, get the names of every one of the turncoats. Then, send a card to every single one of them that says simply: TURNCOAT. Or COWARD or DINO or TRAITOR. You can even make up your own, but it has to be one word in great big letters.

You can find the addresses for each traitor here.

March 14, 2006 Posted by | Bush, Impeachment, Politics, Republicans | Leave a comment

PA attacks 1st Amendment

As Desi at Mia Culpa says: It’s started.

From yesterday’s Philadelphia Inquirer:

In an unusual and little-known case, the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office has seized four computer hard drives from a Lancaster newspaper as part of a statewide grand-jury investigation into leaks to reporters.

The dispute pits the government’s desire to solve an alleged felony – computer hacking – against the news media’s fear that taking the computers circumvents the First Amendment and the state Shield Law.

The state Supreme Court declined last week to take the case, allowing agents to begin analyzing the data.


The grand jury is investigating whether the Lancaster County coroner gave reporters for the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal his password to a restricted law enforcement Web site. The site contained nonpublic details of local crimes. The newspaper allegedly used some of those details in articles. If the reporters used the Web site without authorization, officials say, they may have committed a crime.

So, this is where we stand in 2006, nearly 230 years after declaring our independence from Mad King George III: The Constitution is being shredded, one amendment at a time.

By another Mad King George.

March 14, 2006 Posted by | First Amendment, Pennsylvania | Leave a comment