The Lady Speaks

Haditha – America’s Newest Shame

President Bush says he's "troubled" by accusations that US Marines massacred 28 people, including women and children, in revenge for the death of one of their own after an IED exploded under one of their vehicles.

From MSNBC News Services:

“I am troubled by the initial news stories,” Bush said. “I’m mindful that there’s a thorough investigation going on.

Personally, I'm far more than troubled. Heartsick, outraged, ashamed….

I am heartsick that Iraqis are far less outraged than the Americans just learning of this story. To Iraqis, this is just one more incident in an unbroken, unending line of deaths. Nearly every Iraqi has lost someone to this never-ending nightmare, whether by occupation troops or insurgents or the roving death squads enforcing Sharia.

I am heartsick to realize that the Iraqi people – in general – expect nothing better from American soldiers. I am heartsick reading Iraqi blogs and realizing a girl my daughter's age is resigned to living in primitive conditions because of the war, is resigned to not fulfilling her dream to become a veterinarian, is resigned to death.

I am outraged that these members of the United States military were so consumed with bloodlust that they would so forget their training, their once-proud history as Americans, and their legendary honor as United States Marines, that they would kill unarmed women and children cowering in their homes.

I am outraged that those involved and their superiors attempted to cover their actions. I am outraged that the command structure was apparently so weak as to allow a tragedy like this to occur. I am outraged that one of those who claims not to have known about the massacre somehow received a Bronze Star for valor because of actions in Haditha.

From the same article: [emphasis mine]

On Tuesday, the lawyer for Capt. James Kinder, one of the officers of the dozen enlisted Marines who are being investigated for the Haditha case, said that the inquiry is not targeting the officers themselves.

The investigations and whether Marines covered them up are focused on the troops who were in a four-vehicle convoy hit by a roadside bomb last Nov. 19 in Haditha, attorney Paul Hackett said.

Kimber, one of three battalion officers relieved of command last month, knew nothing of the deaths until after the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment returned from Iraq in March, Hackett said.


Kimber, who was nominated for a Bronze Star for valor in Haditha, was relieved of command because his subordinates used profanity, removed sunglasses and criticized the performance of Iraqi security services during an interview with Britain’s Sky News TV, according to Hackett.

The highest-ranking Marine targeted by the investigations is a staff sergeant who led the convoy, Hackett added.

Someone please explain this! How do you get a Bronze Star, yet know nothing of what occured?!

I am outraged that those who brought this incident to light are considered traitors by the rightwing. I am outraged that President Bush isn't outraged and screaming for heads to roll from top on down.

I am ashamed to be an American, to know that few Iraqis will ever know how deeply most Americans want this war to end, how much we also want the troops to come home, how much we want for them to live in peace again. I am ashamed that a few people in the blogosphere have had the nerve to laugh at the images of children with with their faces bloody and their bodies torn by bullets.

Mr. Bush also had this to say: If in fact, laws were broken, there will be punishment.”

Hmmm…gee whiz, Mr. President – I'm pretty sure there's a few laws in the UCMJ – the Uniform Code of Military Justice – against killing unarmed civilians, not to mention killing children. But, I guess you'd know that if you'd actually done your TANG service instead of playing politics in Alabama.

May 31, 2006 Posted by | Bush, Children, Family, Haditha, Iraq, US Military, War, White House | 2 Comments